Mylopotas Beach. Eventually, when it got busy, I began driving boats. This was a beautiful break from being on the beach. Why? I could be my own boss out there. If ther eis one thing I learned about Greeks (at least the ones i worked with) is they are stubborn... There are no ideas, plans, but their own. Canadian, Australian opinions do not matter. In the event that you try and voice your opinion, you will either be banished (as i once was), or heard.. but nothing will come of it. Greeks also have a funny way of treating you. They treat you like you are about 7 yrs old. They are always coming up behind you, watching you, babying you, telling you to do things and really in general never trusting you to get the job done. This was quite frustrating for everyone that worked on the beach. Even at the end of my time there (90days of doing the exact same thing) I was still gettting reminded, "Make sure the locks arent in the sand" or "The boat is ocming in !!! Go catch it! " when it was quite obviously coming in and it would probaly be another mintue before it actually reached the shore. This lack of trust shown by my greek employers and coworkers was quite frustrating. I learned something huge about trust during this job. If my employer doesnt trust me and is always watching me... I wont do a good job, or at least take much pride in my work. Ill just get the job done. This is because I know i am going to get told to do it another way, or im doing it improperly anyway. On the other hand, If im given responsibility, and trust.. the onus i son me to get the job done. As a result, i take pride in what im doing and work very hard. It wasnt until the last couple weeks of the summer that my employer even began to demonstrate an amount of trust with me when he let me drive th boats. In response to this trust, I was happy to work much harder. Anyway, that was a rant... in the end... it was difficult working for Greeks... while they were great people to hang out with, they transform when you try and work with them.. ok.. thats it.. yehah for IOS!