Every time we go on a filed studies trip we pack bag lunches in the morning. Everytime I pack my lunch I make the same thing. It is composed of a
Meat Melange Wrap (Includes every type of meat available all wrapped up), a Kit Kat bar (which are AMAZING here), an Orange Drink Box, an Apple, and a bag of Walkers Crisps.
JIF - Potato Chips are called CrispsThe above picture captures what I am often doing here....which is eating Walker's Crisps. (In fact, I am eating some Walker's right now as I sit and write this blog). I loved this bridge when I came across it. It is called the Millenium Bridge, and is a footbridge that was built as a celebration to the millenium. It stretches across the Thames and leads directly to my favorite site in London...St.Paul's Cathedral.