Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Day of Firsts... Seconds & Thirds!

Yesterday was a serious day of firsts for me in Australia. Let me precursor why by saying that this week's activities have been dedicated to getting myself "settled" in Sydney, by way of finding a place to live, finding furniture, getting internet, phone, and a car. Details of the Palace that I live in (or rather the dungeon where I reside) will be captured in a separate blog entry.

Yesterday, I bought my first large item on eBay.
First No. 1 - First large purchase on eBay ($200)

I bought a used Queen Size Bed (Don't worry the pictures looked ok). Little did I know that I was required to go and pick up this bed. And it happened to be my luck that it was located in the little suburb of Heathcote which is about as far away from Sydney CBD you can be and still be in Sydney (Its in the sticks). So, how was I to get this bed? I explored multiple options including moving guys and courier. In the end I decided to rent myself a Big ol Van and do the job myself. So here were the problems, I am in a massively busy city where the traffic and the driving is crazy and I am also totally unfamiliar. I am driving a rather large vehicle that I am also unfamiliar with. I am sitting and driving on the right side of the van. I am driving on the left hand side of the road. So a whole slew of firsts.

First no. 2 - First time renting a van
First no. 3 - First time driving in Sydney
First no. 4 - First time driving a right hand drive
First no.5 - First time driving on the left hand side of the road

It is absolutely like learning to drive all over again. I was forced to ignore all driving instinct and focus real hard and really use my mirrors because I kept ignoring the whole left part of the vehicle, which normally you dont worry about because that is where you are driving. Anyway, apart from a few wide left hand turns and tight right hand turns into honking taxi cabs, and getting lost a dozen times, the trip went well and I picked up my bed and returned the truck today without incident. It was actually really fun and challenging trying to maneuver through downtown Sydney in this big old van! And after a well it does become more like second nature again. Tonight I pick up my new car! A 1991 Toyota Corolla Hatchback! The left hand fun continues!!

First no.6 - My first Car!