Monday, April 04, 2005

During our lunch break, I decided I'd have some fun on the Tbar located right by the lodge. This particular Tbar was probaly one of the most fun Tbars ever (I know..hard to imagine). But anyway, it was quite a long Tbar and it had 3 or 4 really steep regions followed by very long flat regions. During these flat spots, I found it quite fun to emulate Wakeboarding, Kiteboarding etc. Poked out tailslides FS, BS 360.. whatever.. it was a blast. So there I am doing a TBar BS Noseslide. I think people at the lodge thought I was a chump and a poser... and that may be true... but it doesnt negate the fun I had. Yehah! A picture that I unfortunately Dont have here is when we later conitnued all the way up the TBar. Once I got bored with doing various Jibs and stuff, I decided I wanted to try some more Barefoot-like moves, like ...Tumble Turns. So I cut across the path and jumped and landed on my back in the snowbanks on the side of the trail. I would slide along on my back and then sorta tumble turn back up. Again.. tons o fun. It was all fun and games until i decided to try this off a part in the path that had at least a 45 degree incline. I slid half way down the deep powder on my back and was dragged along in the snow, dodging dips and trees! It was quite possibly one of the most exhausting things of my life, as I refused to let go! It went on for what felt like forever but was probaly about a minute or two, until the incline decreased and I got back on the trail and the liftee stopped the TBar. I was still unable to pull myself up because I was so exhausted, so I ended up letting go of the TBar and riding back to sit on Tims TBar with him. I was done... sheooo.. When I got to the top I got a strip torn of me by some English woman. She thought I was being reckless and dangerous... I just told her I wasn't very good at using TBars. Her son later come up to me and said..."Woah, man that was a cool trick..... Sorry about my Mom" I thought that was funny... I told him "Not to try it at home." Anyway.. it was all good fun and Im glad my lift pass didnt get cut. Posted by Hello